

Vineri am fost la deschiderea fostului LMC (Live Metal Club) , acum mai nou numit Cage Club, si am descoperit o trupa romaneasca mai noua ce suna chiar bine, iar solista trupei, Aura, chiar are o super voce de invidiat, imi plac vocile puternice. Here's a song or two from them. Sper sa va placa :D


Call of death

I've got my feet drown in mud and my head covered in dirt, heart full of pain and thoughts of anger. Can't understand anything around this world... everything feels like a jungle of lies. A road of hatred and people that don't tresure the little things and only think of themselves. It's an unwritten law...
Un suflet pierdut printre atatea lucruri, printre frunze mucegaite si copaci uscati, fara viata si taiati in mii de bucati... just want to belong somewhere...just want to be wanted.. I give everything in me, every breath, every step, every drop of blood of mine.... is that too much to ask? A sign of belonging... of understanding... A kitten's crying I hear in my dreams, it makes me shiver and cry, she's lonely and deserted in a world full of hate, mean people and lost souls. I've found myself drowning in all of this, trying to escape, trying not to be like everyone else... trying to change, trying to find the right way, when will that be and how should I know it's the good one? Only a sign.... a call of death.


Please help me :D

Va rog care doreste sa-si faca un cont pe acest site de mai jos :D primiti 6$ bonus si apoi puteti lucra online pe acest site doar vizitand cateva website-uri si sa scrieti review. Pentru orice prieten recomandat primesti 1$ bonus. So... please help me :D



Despre toate lucrurile pe care as fi vrut sa le fac, si nu le-am facut
Despre toate ideile pierdute’n drum,
Despre toate gandurile pe care nu le pot sterge,
Despre multele momente ce nu pot fi schimbate
Despre ideile nespuse si risipite’n timp,
Despre tot ce se pierde prin tacere,
Despre ultimul gand inainte de somn,
Despre mine,
Despre tine,
Despre noi.

Vorbe de seara...

Mi-as dori sa fiu si eu intr-un colt uitat de cer… fara griji, fara lucruri de facut, fara oameni rai, fara ignoranta, fara certuri si fara cuvinte taioase. Mereu am stat sa ma gandesc de ce simt sa scriu doar atunci cand sunt intr-o stare deplorabila… de ce nu pot scrie despre bucurie, despre lucruri roz si fericite si senine… cred ca stiu de ce.. pentru ca asemenea lucruri nu prea exista… avem f putine momente de bucurie, dar se risipesc intr-o clipita. Cred ca nu am mai aprecia momentele acelea putine fericite daca ar fi toate asa… dar totusi, chiar doar atat ? adica… simt ca ma prabusesc uneori, clachez, ma inched in mine constant, nu am incredere in nimeni… poate dramatizez, dar asa simt acum, asa ma doare…. Oamenii ma fac asa, cei din jur, cei pe care ar trebui sa-i consideram cei mai dragi. Tata, sora, prietena cea mai buna…. Uneori primesc mai multe ganduri bune de la straini decat de la ei… Cate prostii am scris… Nici nu vreau sa recitesc.. oricum nu conteaza… pur si simplu scriu ce gandesc, oricum nu citeste nimeni ce am scris acum, poate doar daca o sa am un mic moment de nebunie sa o postez pe blog, dar ma indoiesc, pentru ca nu e nimic artistic, e doar un gand…. Si totusi… blog-ul l-am facut pentru a-mi elibera sufletul, nu pentru a ma feri de pareri. Oamenii au pareri diferite, unii spun ca am un suflet mare si ca nu trebuie sa ma schimb, ca se mira cum de pot sa fiu asa in societatea noastra de azi….iar altii, care cred ca ei sunt atotputernici…si atotstiutori ca « mai bine pleci din casa asta, oricum nu faci nimic cu viata ta », si mereu ma face sa ma simt un nimic… pur si simplu.. un nimic… O gaura…. Adanca si neagra. Mi-as dori sa fiu muta, sa nu le pot raspunde rautatilor..



Mi-am adus aminte de un clip vechi ce-mi placea la nebunie :X au trecut cativa ani cred de cand nu l-am mai vazut, just remembering how it used to be, simple and beautiful.

Apocalyptica - Path



The sky rained death and the moon colored pain. The earth felt the blood and the water turned into black. Every drop of rain was red, but the clouds washed them all away. It felt like loneliness and despair, but it was just the way it was inside and outside, everywhere around it burned with grief. A little girl was mourning her father by the edge of a rusty bridge, but no one was there to stop her, she made every little step alone towards the end. All that she desired was that the suffering around to come to an end, but it was too much to ask. When she tilted her head, the wind made an awful sound, and then in a split second she just vanished in the red rain. She cried inside but no one ever knew and no one could ever find out how she really was... And now she’s lost, for an eternity, forever.


One girl's dream

The sky rained death and new born faith, it shivered the earth and gathered the late clouds under the big shadow of the moon. Cried some tears for the unknown and then made a river of the moments that she couldn't take with her and let all her memories vanish in all those bloody tears. The shadow of what she used to be was long-time lost, she would give anything to feel again, to have a smile on her face again, to be free again, to have all the things that time made her lose. She's out of this world, she's hurt, she's sad, she's deceived. It's so cold, no human touch, no warmth, no nothing, it's just emptiness. Abyssal cutting bloody feelings that only makes her soul break in million of pieces. And no one wants to heal her, to put all the parts back together. She will never be whole again.
Just one embrace,
dark deadly angel

[The song that inspired me is Delerium - Fallen]


9 crimes

This is a song that I love to listen to when I'm sad. It makes me feel even worse. But it's alright..

"Is that alright?
Is that alright?
Is that alright with you?
Is that alright?
Is that alright?
Is that alright with you?


[I love that part of the song...]



"Sa n-arunci nimic, nici macar, nici macar cuvinte"

Doar ce am cumparat noul album Vita de vie - Fetish, si imi place la nebunie, imi plac versurile f mult, mai ales "Esti mai frumoasa(cand plangi)" si "Azi".
Suna bine tot albumul, l-am pus pe repeat, cam asta o sa fie playlist-ul pentru cateva zile, il recomand cu tot sufletul <3



Sunt momente in care as vrea sa pot pleca. Oriunde. Si aici cred ca e un loc in care pot pleca, imi pot exprima gandurile ideile, imi descarc datele, si le printez. As vrea sa le pot da Erase, dar nu e atat de simplu cum e cu un PC, de ce nu avem si noi functii ce pot fi editate? Sa umblam in amintirile rele , sa le modificam, sau macar sa le stergem... pentru ca dor, si dor f. tare, si nu am nici cea mai mica idee cum as putea sa fac sa nu se mai repete, poate daca m-as teleporta, ar fi o solutie... Nu inteleg cum unii oameni (bine... uneori nici nu stiu daca pot sa numesc om acea persoana) pot fi atat de... fixati pe un singur lucru. Tot ceea ce e important e banul, si atat, mai mult nu poate, se limiteaza la atat, alte lucruri nu exista pentru el. Niciodata nu sunt indeajuns de buna, niciodata nu fac nimic bine, si asta ar trebui sa ma faca sa fiu mult mai perseverenta sa nu mai am parte de ideile lui, de rautatea pe care o arata, nu se simte si el singur? eu cred ca as fi devastata inauntru, si asa ma distruge el destul, presupun ca o sa vina si timpul lui candva. Oare e fericit cand face rau? Chiar asa se manifesta unii oameni? Multe intrebari fara raspuns, dar tot ce imi doresc este sa nu imi mai pese, sa nu fiu ca ceilalti, sa nu ma schimb, sa raman asa, sa nu ma las influentata.... Vreau sa ajung sa pot sa ajut lumea cum facea Michael Jackson, vreau sa ofer tot ce pot, tot ce am, tot ce sunt.
Pauza. am sa revin :*


Still dreaming...

I want that piano so baaaaad, why isn't my birthday earlier? haha. I'm in love with it, it's just simple as that... no other words to describe it.

How can you not adore something that sounds like this?

or like this


New toy in town

Today was a good day.




and naive :)


Just a wish...

Ever since I was little I wanted to play the piano, and these days my desire is just getting bigger and bigger, today I decided I want to buy a Yamaha Keyboard for my birthday, I really can't wait for my birthday to come, just 1 month and a half to wait!
Hope my dream will come true because I really really really want it... I think the model I want is Yamaha PSR-e413, but if you recommend me something better for me, feel free to tell me.
I just adore the sounds that a piano can make... it's simply lovely. And there are plenty of songs that I hardly wait to learn, hope everything will be alright till then and nothing interferes with it. I already downloaded a couple of piano sheets , the keyboard is the only one missing , so little one, i'm waiting for you :X

Here is a song played on the piano from youtube, it's called

Metallica - Turn the page [thanks Bam for showing it to me :X]

Mad World - Gary Jules

and Coldplay - Scientists



Hell yeah!! One of my favourite bands is coming to Romania, and they are Aerosmith :X
A few more bands and singers are coming this year, I guess it's just a good year for us! Others like Metallica , Rammstein,AC/DC, Eric Clapton, Elton John and Bob Dylan...Gary Moore, The Cranberries and the list continues, wish I had money to go see them all :X

Here there are a few of my favourite songs from Aerosmith:

Aerosmith - Crazy

Aerosmith - Hole in my soul

Aerosmith - Cryin'

Aerosmith ft. Run DMC - Walk this way

and a song from Eric Clapton... I simply love this song... he wrote it for his daughter that died at the age of 4, it makes me shiver everytime, so emotional :(

Eric Clapton - Tears in heaven


Russian Roulette

I haven't posted anything in a while, so i decided to put up a song and my latest drawing :giggle:

And you can see my heart beating
You can see it through my chest
And I’m terrified but I’m not leaving :X

Her little white heart by =ankkutza on deviantART