
Lacrima de dor

Lacrima de dor
Curge uşor pe obrazul meu de piatră
Zdrobind ultimul gram de speranţă moartă.
Întinde-un gol dor ,devenind deşartă.
Visând cu inima-i deschisă,pură parcă…
Ea spre el. El, spre fantezie,o altă.

Chip spulberat in valuri, risipindu-se,
Durerea apăsând-o ,adâncindu-se.
Ascultând Pachelbel, biata văitându-se
De suferinţa -i grea, depărtându-se
Spre neant,cu mare elan, pierzându-se.

Către gol… păşind uşor devenind vapor
De apa sau de vant dusa catre un nor.
De apa sau de vant risipita-n zare.


Just today...

Ma simt din ce in ce mai departata de lumea din jur.... totul piere si imi ramane doar natura kre si ea se vestejeste... copacii mor usor, usor. lacurile sunt secate.. inimile uscate :( crezand ca totul poate invia m-am inselat amarnic..creand multe vise desarte... realizand ca totul e o iluzie si ca in mine zace sentimentul acesta fara sa mai poata fi readus la viatza ..sub orice circumstantza.
M-am pierdut printre frunze straine si am ajuns de unde am plecat... din intuneric si lumina s-a creat confuzie si ceata... durere si alinare
Tot ce mai pot face e sa visez in continuare ignorand rautatile din jur si crezand ca totul poate fi asa cum imi doresc intr-o zi...



I dream of hot sand and sunrise on the beach... missin' the old times and thinking of the times to come... I've been searchin' for my soul tonight and i feel a lil higher... a little closer to heaven.. I know there's so much more to life... :)



I. Was I asleep while the sun rised in my heart??
What does it take to tear the sky apart??
I need something to make me see late night city...
I need something to break this insanity...

Ref. I’m alive again, I’m born again…
I can feel the sea through my veins…
I can shout, I can breathe again...
I escaped from everything and broke those chains…

II. Were you alive when the cold heat caught your smile?
But all I can do right now is to juggle
When you needed to have some fun, but not trouble,
People try to stay out, to fight, to struggle.

Ref. I’m alive again, I’m born again…
I can feel the sea through my veins…
I can shout, I can breathe again...
I escaped from everything and broke those chains…..

III. Were they the ones that told you what to do?
Did you accepted without having a clue??
That I’ll never listen, I’ll build my own way...
A crazy life, cigars, guitars, all to sway..

Ref. I’m alive again, I’m born again…
I can feel the sea through my veins…
I can shout, I can breathe again..
I escaped from everything and broke those chains…..

Alive again….. Born again……
Run away from the world…
Shout again... Breathe again…
Escaping from everything…
Drifting away…